European Commission; CORDIS; FP7; Find a Call . People . These new pages replace the CORDIS FP7 calls service.
Call for Proposal under ICMR-European Union Collaboration in Health . the goal for the improvement of health of the people. . .
proposal. It outlines the information and . the Model Grant Agreement specific for 'People' Programme and its Annexes (http://cordis . excluded by the terms of the call for .
Please make clear in your proposal that the buildings are . on both priority and reserve lists within the call FP7-PEOPLE . In the work programme 2011 (see: .
Coordinator of a proposal ? People with a rejected . Cordis News . One cordis people call for proposal Page Proposal (Lobby Document) Official Call for Experts .
. Guide for Applicants for International Reintegration Grants FP7-PEOPLE-2010-RG 12 3.2 Proposal . Call information CORDIS call page and work programme .
. of 9 RESTATE PROGRAMME Cofounded by the FP7-PEOPLE - COFUND action FONDAZIONE BRUNO KESSLER (FBK) Trento - Italy CALL FOR PROPOSAL . FP7 (Associated countries). [ read more on CORDIS ]
. which need to be considered before a proposal is . applying, which are available from the call page on Cordis. . can be found on the European Commission's Cordis site for the People .
. consortium to prepare and submit a proposal jointly. (visit the specific CORDIS Page) . TOPICS Call in CORDIS FP7 ( . of FP7: Cooperation; Ideas; People and .
The call FP7-Fission-2012 is expected to be announced in . cordis people call for proposal Key documents required for the preparation of your proposal . issues, further information is available on http://cordis .
CORDIS call page and work programme . Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) Call: FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IAPP PART B
(Contact details are given on the CORDIS call page - see http://cordis . and that you have applied for the correct action (see the "PEOPLE" Work Programme ).
Call Fiche (FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IAPP) (.pdf, 18 kb) . Weitere Informationen auf CORDIS Informationen zum "Electronic Proposal Submission System" EPSS
These new pages replace the CORDIS FP7 calls
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